Wednesday, March 2, 2011

7 months

I always thought that having a baby would be quite the drawn out ordeal, but it seems like time is just flying by for me. every few weeks I look in the mirror and think woah, who is that!? - watching my body change is really the most surprising thing for me. I mean I knew I'd get bigger, but there are days when it feels like I wake up and overnight my belly has popped out again...

I am sleeping really well, and feeling really good - so I am thankful for that. the baby has become really active these days and this morning it felt like s/he was having a little punching session.

bryce and I are starting birthing lessons next week, so maybe that's when I'll start freaking out a little more...


1 comment:

  1. Oh you look so adorable!!! And I love the color coordination with the wall :)


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