Thursday, December 24, 2009

have a wonderful Christmas!

Bryce and I finished our Christmas shopping last night, and today are taking it fairly easy and getting the house ready for Christmas dinner tomorrow night. We are off to Melita and Cody's for a Tamale Party later today, which is new to me. you go and make tamales together - I'll let you know how that goes... :)

to all of our friends and family who we won't be seeing this Christmas we hope you have a wonderful Christmas and look forward to catching up in the New Year!

love and kisses


  1. Gorgeous photo! Oh, and have a very Merry Christmas! *smile*

  2. Tamale party?! My kind of shindig. Hope you had a lovely Christmas Kate. xoxo

  3. Thanks Celi.a and Shannon - it was great!

  4. What a beautiful tree! Hope you had a great holiday! :)


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