Friday, March 19, 2010

happy friday!

today it is the most perfect (almost) Spring Friday! the weather here is spectacular! the sun is out, no clouds in the sky and the spring flowers are bursting with colour. SO happy it's the weekend!!!

we have another jam packed weekend planned again... I'm heading out with the girls tonight, looking at kitchen stuff tomorrow, a birthday party for Cody tomorrow night and then with whatever spare time we have left we have to do a yard clean up including demo'ing our back potting shed so we can put it out along with any other random junk we have lying around, for our yearly city clean up campaign, where people dump their junk on the road outside their house and the magic fairies come and take it away...

How are you (in the northern hemisphere) going to spend the first weekend of Spring??

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and that the sun is shining on you wherever you may be




  1. It was lovely yesterday, but today we've got snow! A good amount of it! Oh Chicago. So it's back to winter hibernating at least one more week....

  2. Ouch! Snow for the first day of spring... I can totally understand how you feel after living in Toronto for 5 years and craving spring after the winter, but you know it really does make you thankful of every great weather day you get there - people in California complain about the rain...


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