Monday, May 10, 2010

day zero - 101 things in 1001 days

remember I talked about that bucket list a little while back? well I found this great site that let's you build a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days.

here's my list, well the beginning of it - it's really hard to think of 101 things... what else should I add?


  1. this is awesome! Years ago I made a list of things to accomplish or do by the time I hit 30...I don't think I've looked at that list in a long long time (who knows if I'd even want to have the same things on there now). When I get home this weekend I will have to pull that out of the dust and check it out to see how far down the list I am, lol. I might do some refreshing and re-prioritizing of the list while I'm at it. :)

    Bre @

  2. Here's my list - can't wait to see what I can cross off before I turn 40 in 1000 days....

  3. You can check out my list if you want :-) I like how you have lots of house projects on there!

  4. I am totally going to do this...and will post about it later (when I have time...which is pretty much never!).

  5. Hm 101 is an awful lot of things, lol. I might do it too, though ... best of luck with yours! :)

  6. I have started one of these too and haven't been able to think of a full 101 yet either. I've completed one thing on my list and a few are in the works but I need to keep revisiting it to prompt me to get on with it.


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