hope you're doing good :)
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
uh... hello?
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Saturday Brunch
this whole being a stay at home mum thing seems to be agreeing with me. now. it took me a while to get into the swing of things, but since I figured out that I don't have to be constantly holding Mabel every waking hour, or rocking her to sleep every time she needs to nap, I seem to actually have some time to get things done. she's quite happy to lay in her chair and watch me do stuff, and listen to me nattering away to her about what I'm doing. and she is good at going to sleep on her own. as long as you check in with her when she gets upset. sometimes there is a total meltdown which calls for some rocking, but generally she's good.
learning all these things has taken time, and trial and error, but I'm happy to report that we're finally getting it together over here. which has increased the sanity levels immensely!
so much so that I am starting to try new things. cooking new recipes. last week it was banana bread, and this weekend I tried these delicious pancakes. I mean, I can cook, I have no problems with it, it's just that I usually don't take the time. and when it comes to pancakes I usually just opt for the shake and bake variety - which, if you add the right topping can be yummy. (oh and these are awesome for camping!)
I've had this recipe on my pinterest board for a while now, so on Saturday we had brunch with the gang to try it out. Lemon poppyseed pancakes, fresh orange juice (from our trees) and espressos (made by Barista Bryce). it was a beautiful summer morning, under our newly refurbished patio and it was delicious - if I do say so myself!
Savannah needed some shades. Mabel loaned her a pair.
Daddy and Savannah
Mummy and Savannah
Hannah and Mabel - seems Mabel has to grow into this pair of sunnies...

kate's peeps,
Melita's peeps,
Monday, July 25, 2011
2 months
This week our baby Mabel turned 8 weeks old. It's hard to believe that it's really been that long - where has the time gone? I am so glad to be spending this time with her. She has changed so much since the day she was born and every day she learns something new. seeing. grabbing. laughing. smiling. cooing. it is amazing to watch her grow.
Bryce and I were looking at the many photos the other day and were amazed at how much she has changed. of course, I take a gazillion photos of her daily, so here's a look at how she's grown since 26 May. 1 photo for each day.

Sunday, July 10, 2011
I've been threatening to start a garden for the last few years and never seemed to find any time or energy to actually do it. Add to that the fact that my thumb is not green, it's black, so me getting anything to grow is pretty much not going to happen. Until now! It was a bit of a late start getting everything into the ground but I should have a crop of about 16 different things. SO excited! I'm even getting ready to start pickling and canning in case I end up with more than we can eat or share this year. I tried to stick to all organic and heirlooms because I think the flavor is so much better. If everything grows we're going to have cucumbers, red peppers, jalapenos, pumpkins, honeydew, cantaloupe, tomatos, buttercup squash, zucchini, basil, rosemary, um... and some other stuff. I forgot to label everything and can't remember them all. We should have a few surprises come up over the next few weeks.
Here's this little guy looking so small and fragile.
Cody hates tomatoes, but I love them so we have three plants and I'm considering more. These are all heirlooms and I'm looking forward to all the different colors and flavors.
Here's a wheelbarrow full of plants and herbs that I actually watered!
Who knew water was so critical to success....
He's going to hopefully grow into a wonderful pumpkin patch for the kiddies to visit in October and choose a jack-o-lantern to carve.
So far, so good
Looks like we'll have some soon!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Goodbye Darling McKenzie
the last month or so has been big a one for us. and at a time of our biggest happiness, we also experienced our deepest sadness. :(
5 weeks ago, our little McKenzie was hit by a car and killed out the front of our house. I have been trying to write this post for the last month... but it is just so hard. I still expect to see her happy little face come running round the corner with a squeaky toy in her mouth.
it happened in an instant - she was taken from us. she frolicked out onto the road after her big brother Cooper to go see another doggy on the other side. she wouldn't have seen it coming and she wouldn't have felt a thing. unfortunately we are the ones left to feel her loss.
she was with us for just over 2 and a half years, but boy did we love her - she totally earned her nickname of Mischievous McKenzie but she put a smile on our faces every single day. although it took Coop a long time to warm to her, he is heartbroken also. the place is so empty without her. we know in time the pain will go away, and we just wait for that day.
but, we must celebrate her life. she was the sweetest little girl, who loved us unconditionally. we rescued her from the humane society when she was just a pup, and gave her the best life a doggy can have.
she had a nice big yard to run free in and soak up the rays
a big brother to snuggle
and to pester

she had an endless supply of treats

squeaky toys

play dates
and park visits
she went on camping trips
car rides

she warmed not only our hearts but our bed as we'd often wake up with her snuggled right under the sheets down at your feet - without us even knowing...
it happened the day after we brought Mabel home from the hospital, and while Mabel had gotten to hear her barks and funny little howl while she was in my belly
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