Thursday, December 31, 2009

Top 10 Things I Heart

Our friend Kimo of Effie's Heart was kind enough to share her top 10 things she hearts for the new year. These are her favorite things from her wonderful collection as well as things that just inspire her. We're looking forward to 2010 and all the things we heart!

What are things you heart?

so long 2009...

We're taking off in the campervan to celebrate the New Year with just the four of us instead of going the huge drunken party route - hope you have a great New Year's Eve, and Happy 2010!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Dinner with Friends

Kate and Bryce had us over for Christmas dinner along with Hannah and her brother Paul. We started with Bryce's fabulous beet risotto (I need the recipe!) and Hannah's beef ribs.Kate decorated the table beautifully!
Then we opened our presents
and then had dinner. Kate and Bryce made this delicious beef roast with a glistening, succulent mushroom gravy. Cody and I woke up the next day wishing we had stolen some for sandwiches.
we also had sweet potatoes - YUM
Hasselback potatoes - crispy and delicious!
then we took a break before dessert and played Cranium while Hannah rested with the dogs.
and finally we had dessert. I chose the pumpkin pie with a huge dallop of cream.

This was a wonderful and fun Christmas and I can't wait til next year's feast!!

First Time at the Beach!

Here are some images of Charlotte's first time at the beach. She had lots of fun and is a very good listener (unlike her naughty brother Gino). She's now passed out under the table snoring away after her big adventure. I've also included a bonus picture of the weird boney thing I found laying on the ground!

Strange fish-nose, dorsal fin thing

I Love Christmas

First Christmas!!
Christmas Tamale
Lemon Flavored Salt
Green Olives Stuffed w/Anchovies
Our Tree - I couldn't find all the ornaments
this year, but it still looks nice with its bubble lights.
Stocking Stuffer - 10 year old balsamic vinegar

Here are some pictures I took with my brand spankin' new Canon PowerShot SD980 IS that Cody got me for Christmas. Not shown are the awesome Calphalon pots and pans from my mom and the sexy apron and two bottles of vodka from Kate and Bryce.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

have a wonderful Christmas!

Bryce and I finished our Christmas shopping last night, and today are taking it fairly easy and getting the house ready for Christmas dinner tomorrow night. We are off to Melita and Cody's for a Tamale Party later today, which is new to me. you go and make tamales together - I'll let you know how that goes... :)

to all of our friends and family who we won't be seeing this Christmas we hope you have a wonderful Christmas and look forward to catching up in the New Year!

love and kisses

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


need a new place to find cool music?
check out

Ho! Ho! Horror!

Sketchy Santas.
Here's a holiday site with pictures of disheveled, sinister, and scary Santas from all over. These holiday Santas may be even worse than clowns because at least you expect a clown to try to kill you.


today is the first day of my christmas holidays! yay! I have lots to do to get ready for the first christmas in our new house and am writing lists like a mad woman... but someone over here is telling me it's time to to get off the computer and take us to the park already...

Fisher Price Classic Toys

look what we found in Target the other day. Remember these classic Fisher Price toys? We definitely had a few of these in our house, I think most of them were hand me downs, like this Two Tune TV.
and how many times did you step on this chatter phone and somehow never break your neck?
oh, and who can forget the classic slinky - hours of skin pinching fun
but something tells me these toys are not really for the kids of today, who expect much more from their toys, but more of a blast from the past for us adults...
so here, buy the keychain version.


Cody and I are in the final planning stages with our house design and are getting ready for the funnest part of the home remodel. The shopping. I'm concentrating on stuff for the master bathroom since that's the first project. I know what I want it to look like and now I just have to get out and find things on sale that will fit the vision. I found this site that has amazing tile and different design ideas. I'm thinking maybe I'll splurge on a cool glass tile mural since my bathroom is pretty small and it would look amazing. I can't wait to show these to Andre and talk about how to incorporate some of this gorgeous stuff in my house :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

look who's on Desire to Inspire

very proud mumma over here - Cooper made it to monday's pets on furniture this week :) Thanks Kim for posting him!

wedding inspiration/shoe obsession

I have been trauling the interwebs for more wedding inspiration in the hope that the where/when dilemma will figure itself out when we fall in love with a location and season... and look what I came across the other day on kiss the groom, a post aptly named shoe love
and although it didn't really help with the where/when it did introduce me to these amazing omelle shoes!

Pop Cycle

when we were in Tucson last month for Bryce's bike race we came across the cutest little store called Pop Cycle
and after a quick sticky in the funky eclectically styled windows I dragged Bryce in for a look
and wow - what a visual treat!
but the best part about this store, we learned from the very helpful shop assistant, is that everything in the store is either vintage or up-cycled!
If you're in the 4th St Neighbourhood in Tucson make sure you stop in and check them out, and if you're not you can shop online here

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