it's Thanksgiving tomorrow in the US, and even though in Australia we don't celebrate this holiday (being that it's a day to give thanks to God for helping the pilgrims survive the brutal winter back in the 1500's) I'd like to start my own Austramerican tradition and make a list of things I am thankful for each year.
It's kind of a long list, so thank you for being patient!

Bryce, I am thankful that you are in my life - that we met in a random set of events that brought us to where we are together today. thanks for all our days together :*
Cooper, little buddy, I am thankful that you wake me up each morning with paws on the bed and a nuzzle to the face saying 'let me get in your bed for a cuddle'
McKenzie, welcome to our life - I am thankful you are here to complete our little family (even if you do eat cat poo, and our socks & undies, and bring dead rats into the house...)
Dad, thank you for coming to visit us last Christmas - it meant a lot to both of us, and we're really glad you have Sophie in your life.
Louise, thanks for letting me visit with you guys in August - it was great spending time with you and the boys
Holly, thank you for being you and for bringing little Amelie into this world
Johno, thanks for hanging out with me when I was home - it was good to see you and spend time, which I can't remember the last time we did...
Cathy and Gene, thanks for coming to visit us last month, it was so great to see you both and explore San Francisco together
Bill, thanks for coming to visit us the other month and Barb, thanks for the many many gifts you guys send us, and Barb thank you for doing this course you're doing - it makes us both very happy to see you kicking butt!
Melita, thank you for making me laugh every time we spend time together
Maggagie, thank you for always just picking up where we left off - I miss you
Hannah, thank you for being my Canadian connection in California, thank you for understanding me (literally - well most of the time) :P
Rita, Ami and Steve, thank you for being our Canadian buddies, and all the fun times we had together in Canada!
Christina, thank you for the fun times we had in Chicago and the many more we'll have in California together
OJ, thanks for including us in your wedding in Italy, we can't wait to see you guys again!
and thank you for reading this post :)
Great thankful post! Unsurprisingly, I'm all for being thankful :)