Opening act Dashboard Confessional

Bonnie's binoculars were so powerful I could see John's individual highlights.
When Bonnie asked if I wanted to go see Bon Jovi with her and of course I said "yes!" I bought the tickets a few months ago, put the date on my Blackberry, and thought we were all set. Unfortunately we forgot the correct day and both thought the concert was on a Tuesday, not a Monday so when I got a panicked voicemail from Bonnie this Monday letting me know we f'd the dates up I raced to get ready. Thankfully we were right on time and were even able to catch most of the opening act and had a grerat time watching the show. I only know a few of Bon Jovi's songs, but I do know how hot John Bon Jovi is from watching him in a few television shows. He's so cute!
Love Dashboard Confessional! He's from my 'hood!