have you noticed the lack of welcome experiment posts lately??? that would be because I have not received any more doors and have already exhausted most of my friends and family... SO... please send me a photo of your front door so I can complete my poor sad little experiment and give out the great prize we have lined up :)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
the welcome experiment
metrically speaking
last week bryce got an early birthday surprise, that I am very proud to say I didn't give away... I usually suck at holding it in and end up giving gifts early since I just can't wait, but this one was a surprise till the end.
I told him that he needed to leave work early and that I would pick him up from work, he didn't realise that there would be a crowd of us and that we were going to see one of our favourite bands :)
the night started at the home of chicken and waffles which I must say I was very intrigued about - were they waffles with chicken inside? but no, fried chicken and waffles side by side on a plate... weird combo, but it was pretty good.
the mac and cheese was particularly good!
hannah had fried chicken, mac and cheese, collard greens and cornmeal bread

then we were off to the fox theater (an awesome venue) to see Metric who were fantastic! bryce and I saw them in Toronto (where they are from) in 2005, when we lived there and have loved them ever since.
me & christina
hannah & i (and some random smiling lady in the background)
cody & melita (giving me the don't take any more photos of me look...) :P
bryce & me
if you're not familiar with metric's music here are a few of my faves. emily's voice is amazing!
an oldie but a goodie
my all time favourite, which they ended the concert with.
buy metric music here
kate's adventures,
melita's adventures,
mad about mad men
Look what I found on my desk this morning...
Mad Men season 3!!! I'm so happy that it's a rainy day - gives me an excuse to light the fire, sit on the couch and watch episode after episode of mid century bliss tonight.

thank you Chloe!! :D
Monday, March 29, 2010
composting fences
yesterday while driving home from wine country we drove past this house with a fence that looked like a really skinny compost heap, so of course today I googled it and it really was a composting fence! Here are some photos I found on digginfood blog of one.

this has got to be the most practical fence I have seen... the construction looks pretty simple and much cheaper and so much greener than most fences.

spring in sonoma sneak peek
we had such a fantastic time in sonoma this weekend, and of course I took way too many photos, so here's a sneak peek until I can sort through the pics tonight.
have a great monday!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
happy birthday baby!
Friday, March 26, 2010
happy friday!


Sorry, you're staying outside today Charlotte!
Happy Birthday, Cody!!!
Daily(ish) Macro

Thursday, March 25, 2010
bag it up
who knew that grocery bags could be so pretty?
baggu make these gorgeous ripstop nylon bags modelled on the old school plastic bag but so much prettier, environmentally friendly and machine washable - what more could you want in a shopping bag? and because they are so lightweight, you can stash them in your handbag so you have one handy each time you go to the store. the hardest part is deciding which colours to buy...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
gifts from my home
ps the old owners never did get back to me about those diamonds...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
happy birthday Ami!

we miss you guys, and hope you have a wonderful birthday my dear!
sunday brunch
Monday, March 22, 2010
goodbye little potting shed
getting out of bed this morning was hard... harder than usual for a monday... because I am sore all over from doing hard labour all weekend. not that I am complaining at all, as I would much rather get exercise by doing something practical and much more rewarding than going to a gym and sharing a sweat filled room with about 300 others... we took advantage of the yearly city clean up campaign and had a very productive weekend indeed!
so it was goodbye to our little potting shed that was attached to our garage, and although I found it very useful for storing my pots, gardening tools and supplies, the poor thing was old and rotting and home to many a rat it seems, who liked to take the oranges from the tree then camp out in the shed and eat the insides out.... eeewk!
we plan to make a new and improved version once we've cleaned up this area
but for now we just have to figure out how to get these metal poles out (which I think were a clothesline in their day) out, as they are solidly concreted into the ground - jackhammer time here we come!
blog crush

check it out over here
Tokyo Sky Drive
I can't tell what's going on, but it looks like this guy filmed his evening commute home on a Tokyo train.I like it. Tokyo Sky Drive.
another lovely outdoor room
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Daily(ish) Macro

I know what I want for dinner.
Friday, March 19, 2010
happy friday!
we have another jam packed weekend planned again... I'm heading out with the girls tonight, looking at kitchen stuff tomorrow, a birthday party for Cody tomorrow night and then with whatever spare time we have left we have to do a yard clean up including demo'ing our back potting shed so we can put it out along with any other random junk we have lying around, for our yearly city clean up campaign, where people dump their junk on the road outside their house and the magic fairies come and take it away...
How are you (in the northern hemisphere) going to spend the first weekend of Spring??
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and that the sun is shining on you wherever you may be
kitchen inspiration
now that we have been in our place for 8 months (how time flies) and have really lived in the spaces, we are finally getting to a stage where we are ready sink our teeth into the planning of the renovation and since the kitchen is the first thing you see when you walk in the door - we are really keen to start there.
since the space is fairly small we are thinking white on white to open up the space
here's some inspiration for what I have in mind for our currently green and gold and wood and tile kitchen which you can see here to get the creative juices flowing...

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