and now that it's the end of a long day, it's margarita'o'clock! woohoo! time to break out of my cube, shake off the fluoro lighting, put the top down on my little convertible and head to the bar for a margarita with Melita.
we have a very full weekend ahead of us, starting with BBQ night at Henry's Hi-Life for dinner tonight, some work around the house tomorrow, followed by BBQ at Codita's (see a pattern forming here?) then Sunday we're competing in the bay to breakers race! I am exhausted just thinking about it all!
what exciting things are you doing? anyone else going to be at the bay to breakers for the craziness?
*if you're not familiar with the bay to breakers check out the craziness we saw last year here
*no I do not endorse smoking monkies - but imagine it's a margarita he's drinking and that would be alright with me :P
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