growing up we had a bright green laminate and pine kitchen, which I always thought was pretty cool, except in the 90's when I thought it was purely horrific (even though we'd long moved away from that house) I'll have to get my Dad to dig out a photo to show you :) but in an age when we are trying to be cost effective, gentle on our planet, yet still keep a gorgeous design aesthetic, could laminate be the way to go?
I must preface this by saying that I am not really into granite bench tops in kitchens, I don't like the fact that a huge slab of granite would be mined out of a gorgeous mountain somewhere just to sit in my kitchen until someone gets bored of it... and everyone seems to have granite these days, like it's a tick in the box when looking at kitchens. I do like composite quartz (like ceasarstone) since they make use of the leftovers from said granite countertops...
but would you buy a kitchen that had laminate countertops?
I actually ADORE laminate. While designing my Grad project, I decided to use laminate because I was strapped for cash, even though at the time I hated laminate; I ordered a zillion swatches from a zillion companies (all free), and I was so in love thereafter. There are some really, really great ones! Pretty metalics and retro designs and corrugated textures and leather feeling/looking ones, eco friendly versions, etc.
ReplyDeleteAnd I hate granite/marble, too, so I understand where you're coming from. But really, my favorite is just wood, butcher-block type wood. if it gets dirty or scratched, a quick sanding and oiling is all you need...
I chose laminate when I did my kitchen renovation a couple months ago, and never looked back. I couldn't believe the cost of solid-surface counter tops, and I'm kind of with you on granite- it doesn't really feel right to rip it out of a mountain just because it's such a huge trend right now. Although I will say that I housesat for some people with granite, and it is very luxurious to cook on. Anyway, I don't think there's anything wrong with laminate, but one pet peeve I have is when it tries to look like stone. I actually did a whole post on laminate here :-) http://hiphousegirl.wordpress.com/2010/03/24/dont-lament-over-laminate/