we've been renovating our garage slowly over the last year or so... we figured it was a good place to start - for us to practice on.
first we started with the back potting shed, which although was very handy was rotting away and basically a rat hotel...
which inspired a colour scheme
but before we painted we needed to tackle the inside and make some space
in August we decided it was time to start stripping the outside and started with a heat gun - which turned out to be a very slow process... and if there was lead in the paint, not very safe

at first we thought it wasn't that great - they'd made it look so easy on their website
but we only got as far as this wall before we had to call it a day...

renovating is so glam...
a couple of weeks later, with the offer of a helper we set to work on the cracked up driveway

it took us a while, but by September we finally got rid of all that concrete. we used some of it in our berm, and the rest by piling it outside the fence and listing it for free fill on craigslist
so with the pressure of the baby coming soon and so many unfinished projects hanging over our heads we decided to get some help and last week we hired Sergio! we introduced him to the paint shaver pro

I went out to discover our neighbours were finally getting rid of the mess of trees that have been pushing over our fence

and came home to so much progress

How different does it look?! The colour scheme is great, love the pop of red on the door. Must feel pretty satisfying to get big jobs like that finished.