Today I tried spin class for the first time in my desperate attempt to get rid of the lard and am now a sad, sweaty heap trying not to get my laptop wet. As I type this message I would like to let anyone who thinks they can handle Mike's 5:30pm spin class that they would be dead wrong. As a matter of fact, today was disco day which means we spin for the entire class with the energy and drive of actual 70's disco fiends on a coke fueled disco mad dance tour, only we're on bikes and we don't get any coke. Next time I take this class it will be with a pair of thick Charmin padded pants to guard my bottom from chafing. Curse the chafing.
there's always this stuff to help with the chaffing... http://www.bikemania.biz/Chamois_Butt_r_Skin_Lubricant_p/chamois_buttr.htm