Tuesday, August 17, 2010

design star

have you been watching design star? could you imagine being on that show??? it sounds like fun, but I think it would be kinda scary... it's now down to the final two and I really hope Emily wins! love her modern vintage eclectic style!

here's her room from this week's episode which I love! particularly that green couch coupled with the wallpaper (which is actually fabric spray glued on). genius!
I also love that tree - does anyone know what type of plant that is?
the finale airs this sunday night, and if you need to catch up you can view the full episodes here. you can also find Emily on her blog here.


  1. I started watching that in the beginning but didn't have the time to keep up. Because we steal our cable (shh! Don't tell) we don't have a dv-r or tivo...so I barely get to watch anything anymore.

    I've taken to having marathons in the bath and watching hours of tv from my laptop. I'll have to get on it and catch up!

  2. I love watching it online - are you watching Flipping Out too? PS, I sent off your subscription the other day, so you should be getting it soon - they just tack it on to the end of your current one I believe :)


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