Tuesday, August 3, 2010

flufflefritz make over

one of the things on my list on my time off was to redesign this blog, and although I didn't get it totally done, I have come up with a concept and just need to create the artwork. I started doodling with this one a few months ago, and like the title but think the blogosphere has seen oh so much bunting these days, so scrapped that ideabut I was inspired by this photo the other day and since our blog is about fluff that floats our way thought that dandelions might be just the thing.
since you guys are the ones who look at my blog, I thought I'd get your opinion - what do you think? got any other good ideas for me?


  1. The dandelions are a great idea! If you could get them to wrap around the left side of the page like you have there that would be super cool.

    Augh, I need to get onto updating my blog as well. We'll see when THAT ever happens. Yuck.

  2. Agreed with Amie! I vote dandelion fluffs!

  3. I like the idea of the dandelion, especially since it has some meaning...the fluff that floats around in the summer breeze like dandelions. :) Honestly I'm not much for advice, my blog needs a major makeover but I just haven't had the time either.

    Good luck! Look forward to seeing a new header soon.



  4. I like the dandelion fluffs too. Very fitting. Yeah, I need to redesign my blog too- it just seems so daunting.


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