even though I am 6.5 months pregnant, and boy does it show... the whole idea that we are going to have a baby is still so surreal for me - is that normal? my sister keeps asking me if I've started buying for the baby yet, but I'm afraid that every time I look at clothes or baby stuff, it just doesn't feel like it's time yet. not that I'm a particularly superstitious person, I guess I just don't want to jinx anything...
what I can wrap my head around though is the baby room, and this I am totally into. we have decided to convert the office into the baby's room so that we'll still be able to have a spare bedroom for guests.
since we've come to love our vintage wallpaper in our place we're going to do one wall in this great orla keily and leave the rest of the walls white.
we're splurging on this bed... I have loved it since I saw it years ago in Dwell or some other designer magazine. I love how beautiful yet practical it is - it goes from baby to toddler up to a 10 year old, which is how I like to justify it. I am also going to buy it second hand, so really it's a bargain!

the downside, as my very practical friend Olivia pointed out to me, is that this bed needs round/ oval sheets, which limits the selection. but I am going to make some, since I couldn't find any that I really like anyway - why do people think that pink and blue and pastel are the only colours when it comes to babies? and Bryce will be happy I am finally putting my great sewing machine to good use!
I found these bibs on etsy which you must admit are just the cutest things ever
when I saw the 3 of them laid together like this I knew that this mustard and gray colour palette is exactly what I wanted. not too boyish and not too girlish and not too pastel'ish :) so this is my inspiration for the sheets, bumper and pillow case.
and look how well the mustard colour goes with pink
and blue :)

my next bit of inspiration came from this gorgeous crochet blanket and I have been making one since about the time I fell pregnant (so I guess technically Louise, I have made a start on things...)
as far as furniture in the room we'll need a feeding chair, and Jonathan Adler just happens to be having a sale... remember this guy?

well there's also this guy too, both would be perfect in my book. although I suspect this one might be a little more practical as a feeding chair, since there are arms to rest the baby's head and my arm. I really don't know much about feeding chairs - what am I supposed to look for? will it get messy?
I think this rug is the perfect cheery yellow to brighten up the room, and with a name like Betty, how could it be wrong?

I found this great idea and thought it would be a great way to hang some of the uber cute baby clothes which would add some colour to the room. kind of like a practical mobile above the change table.
and then this is another idea that I thought was pretty cool (again practical decoration) and I was thinking I could have cute pictures and photos in the different frames.

I'm sure there will be more as we go, but as soon as we start renovating I'll post pictures of how it's turning out.
you can see it all in one place and all the links on my pinterest here
hello hello from miss practical :).. caught up on reading your blogs- can't wait to see the finished room:)