Monday, February 14, 2011

bump envy?

Yesterday it was time to go shopping for some new maternity items... I rotate between 2 pairs of jeans and try to mix up the tops & jackets I have, but it's bad enough that I feel like a fatty let alone a frumpy fatty...

Bryce, being the patient husband stood outside while I squeezed myself into some new comfy options. and then he got bored. I guess. and decided to see what it feels like to be pregnant...

for those of you who have never entered a maternity store (which was me until a few months ago) they have these fake bellies that you can use to try clothes on over the top of to see how long they'll fit you for...

here's Bryce test driving the bump...
the pair of us looked so ridiculous I had to snap a shot - the sales woman must have wondered what we were doing in there....

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Hilarious.

    On another note, you look adorable.

    On another another note, I hadn't thought of Braxton Hicks yet. It feels too early for that. Must look it up now.


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