Tuesday, January 5, 2010

ten in twentyten

we wanted to do something new and fun on our blog for the new year, and since we write so much about ourselves we thought you'd like to hear about some of the bloggers that inspire us.
please welcome our first ten in twentyten! ten questions (well actually eleven) we asked Shannon from Happiness Is...

1. How was your holiday break?
My holiday break was lovely. My family's tradition is to cook a huge meal on Christmas featuring different cuisines. In the past, we've done British food, Japanese, African, Filipino, Greek...you name it. This year, we kept it local with American soul / southern food. And this is all vegetarian, by the way...it can be done! ;)

2. Being the New Year, what is your feeling going into 2010?

I'm staying positive and really looking forward to 2010. There are a lot of exciting things happening for my band, Lorelei...to be revealed soon!!

3. What surprises you most about blogging?
My blog is only a few months old and I'm definitely surprised by the loving community I've somehow managed to get involved in. Bloggers in this niche are so sweet and welcoming. I feel so blessed to have "met" and befriended such creative and inspirational people.

6. We love your
Lyrimages - wherever did you get this idea from?
Thank you! Being a songwriter, I'm very tuned into lyrics. I especially love visual lyrics that paint a picture in your head. So I came up with a way to incorporate this into blog land by correlating lyrics + images = lyrimages.

7. What was your first job?
My very first job was at Safeway. I was 16. I was a "Courtesy Clerk"...not a "Bagger", people! ;) I loved it. I met my very first boyfriend there. We'd always sneak off into the back to flirt and pass each other love notes.

8. If you found $100 in your pocket tomorrow what would you spend it on?
Oooh, tempting! If I found it right now, I might need to treat myself to the spa. I'm a sucker for massages.

9. When did you realize you could sing?
I'm not sure what age, but I've been singing ever since I was a tiny tot. My parents are both musical (they met and fell in love in their high school band). When I was little, my family would sing carols and I guess I always had natural rhythm and melody. In school, I would be selected for solos in choir. Then in 7th grade, I started taking classical voice lessons, which gave me the confidence to actually pursue singing as a possible career.

10. If you were invisible for a day who would you spy on?
I'd spy on my cat, Bailey. Does she really sleep all day? I bet she gets naughty.

11 What's your latest crafty project you're working on?
That would be my belated holiday cards! I just finished them up today. My boyfriend, Hal, and I made our own ugly Christmas sweaters and took a fake-smile photo of us in front of a cheesy background. I was holding Bailey and she was struggling to get out of my arms when the photo snapped. The end result is pretty ridiculous looking, but it was the only way we would send out holiday cards. Nerds or nothing at all ;)

Be sure to check out Shannon's blog here and her music here!


  1. Yayyyy! Thank you again girls for the lovely feature! xo

  2. Thank you for sharing this with us! I want to see the holiday cards!!

  3. Shannon, I love your holiday card idea! It's always great to receive an "original" creation!

  4. Nice Shannon! Great and fun answers:)

  5. What a lovely interview! I love Shannon's lyrimages too, although I realize now I haven't seen that many of them, but looking forward to seeing more! Would alos love to see that postcard!!

  6. Thanks guys! Hmmm...I'll think about posting the holiday card. I'm kind of embarrassed to share them with the world - haha.

  7. great post! i love shannon's blog:D



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