Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Date Night
Monday, June 29, 2009
Pizza Pizza Pizza!

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Cin Cin
BLT and Arugula Salad
Chicken sandwich

Friday, June 26, 2009
U.S. Air Guitar Championship

and bonus video of William Ocean the NYC Regional Air Guitar Champion!
happy friday

Pete's Chanel Rocket Launcher!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
love these!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Turtle
I first met the majority of Keri's family when I had been invited to her grandma Rosie's to go for a swim. As Keri and I headed to the pool to take a dip, Rosie stuck her head out and shouted, "give Kahrmann the turtle!!" I didn't know what that could mean until her uncle Chris revealed a huge inflated turtle pool toy. He threw it into the pool and Keri and her uncle looked at me expectantly waiting for me to get on. The turtle was pretty daunting because it's dome shaped shell rose at least 2 feet off the surface and since the pool was above ground I was going to have to climb up the side of the pool and somehow mount the turtle from behind. I am nothing if not a good sport, so I climbed up the side of the pool and went for it. The turtle thrashed as I leaped onto it's back and threw me into the air. I went under and as I came up I saw uncle Chris turned bright red and fall to the ground. I screamed to Keri, "He's having a heart attack!" and we swam to the edge to watch over the side at her uncle who was now choking and apoplectic. We started splashing water on him to try to revive him and that's when I felt a tickle on my leg. I looked down and saw that my sting bikini bottoms had come off when I had my fight with the pool toy. Uncle Chris's fit was a laugh attack that happened when he saw my bare bottom go flying through the air.
Sadly, Keri called me a couple of years ago to let me know that the turtle had popped and had been replaced by an octopus that, as she put it, "has many arms to hold you" but it was no replacement and I never went back to the pool to give it a try.

is it sad that I am excited about laundry appliances?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
3D wonderland
just moved in

Monday, June 22, 2009
I want to fall asleep here...

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Dutch Baby
Here's some bonus video of the bubbly thing that happened to my egg mixture when I added the vanilla. Weird.
Dutch Baby recipe
Put a large heat proof metal pan in the oven and heat to 400 degrees
Mix 4 eggs with 1 cup of milk & 1 cup of flour until smooth.
Add pinch of salt a little sugar and as much vanill as you like (I probably added a tbs to mine)
When the oven is heated take the pan out, using a pot holder of course, put in 4 tbs of butter and swirl around until melty then pour the mixture carefully into the pan. Bake for about 18-22 minutes until puffy and golden and a knife comes out cleanly when you stab the center. I like mine drenched w/lemon juice and powdered sugar. Cody has his with berries and maple syrup. I think the recipe could serve about 4 people, but we ate the whole thing.
Turkey Polenta Enchilada
and you wonder why I am so strange...
Friday, June 19, 2009
happy friday

The horror. The horror.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
La Pizzeria in Campbell
random gibberish to brilliant inspiration

time to paint

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Thai dinner at home
and just like that, we're homeowners...
Seven Day Cleanse