Several years ago I dreamt of joining the roller derby and even went to one practice session up in Alameda to try out for the Bay Area Derby girls, aka the BAD Girls. Finally I had found a place for all of my female aggression, but I didn't have the ability to commit to the rigorous training and bout schedule and since I had no insurance at the time to replace the teeth I was sure to lose, I ended my dreams of being a derby girl that very night. I still think about trying out again, especially since I found out that the Silicon Valley Roller Girls, aka SVRG have their practices really close to my house at what used to be the Aloha Roller Rink. I definitely need to come up with a great derby name and am thinking Dirty Sancha might be the one. There's a bout in San Francisco this weekend and I think me and Cody will go up and check it out.
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