Last night Cody and I finally got tired of our
Angel marathon and went to
Cuetopia which is a pool hall that's close to our house. We went during the Wednesday night fooseball tournament and were very surprised to see how popular fooseball is. I told Cody that it seemed like something Bryce would like to do and when he looked at me sceptically I said, "He rides a unicycle for God's sake! I think he'd probably like fooseball too!"

Cody is very good at pool and I'm absolutely terrible, but actually made a few balls in this time without having to resort to cheating. Here's some video of Cody trying to make a shot ;)
Is fooseball nerdy or something? here is me playing fooseball (which I suck at by the way...) http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1427775&id=648892008